Getting Started

Getting started with the Boilerplate 🏁

So this framework really kicks ass? And how can I start using it?

Why can it be good for you?

If you want to try out the framework without digging deep all of its how-and-whys, you can simply clone the repo and start hacking in no time.

Where can I found it?

No suprise, you can find it on a public Github repo πŸ˜‰

The Workspaces

The Boilerplate is basically a monorepo built with Yarn Workspaces and it includes 3 workspace by default: common, frontend and service.


You can share models, interfaces and logic between your frontend and the backend. In the Boilerplate, there is a User and Session model and a REST API definition for login / logout.


A Single Page App, based on Shades. It contains a basic layout with header and body, a basic service for login / logout management and login / logout functionality, some placeholder pages and a basic routing. The frontend is bundled with Webpack. The service URL is passed as an environment variable called SERVICE_URL.


The backend service, based entirely on FuryStack. It contains a filesystem-based store for users and an in-memory-store for sessions. It has implemented the example API (with login / logout) and has some other example implementations.

Getting started

If you want to start a project based on the Boilerplate, the preferred flow should be something like this:

  1. Create a new Repo, using the boilerplate as a template
  2. Clone it
  3. Install the dependencies
  4. Build with yarn build
  5. Start the frontend and the backend with yarn start
  6. Open up the default link: http://localhost:8080/

Other goodies

Static code analysis

The project contains eslint and prettier to maintain code quality and formatting.


It is a good practice to seed your db with basic data - there is a script for creating the test user, to run it, type yarn seed

Unit tests

Jest has been also set up - to run, type yarn test:unit

End-to-end testing

The boilerplate also includes end-to-end testing with Cypress


There is an Azure Pipelines setup included - you can check how this looks like here.

The Pipeline contains the following steps:

  • Install dependencies
  • Run eslint (+prettier)
  • Build the project
  • Run the Unit tests (and publishes the results)
  • Runs the Seed(as it contains data that’s needed for the e2e tests)
  • Start up the frontend, the service and run the Cypress E2E tests