Getting Started

Let's store some freaking data 📦

Where should you store your data? SQL, NOSQL, InMemory or on a sticky note on the back of your pillow? Doesn't matter if you have a PhysicalStore implementation...

About Physical stores

In FuryStack, the preferred mode of accessing data is via physical stores. A physical store is a bare minimum interface that a store should do. A store is always bound to a collection with a specified type of entities. It can only do the basic CRUD operations (create, get by Id, filter, delete, count). These stores should not have a concept about relations, indexes and other storage-specific stuff. Data stores doesn’t care about permission, role or session checking.

Store setup

The setup is quite straightforward - create your entity class (the class itself will be used as a primary key and the fields for type checking) you can use the extension method called .setupStores() on the Injector:

class MyEntity {
  public key!: number
  public value!: string

export const myInjector = new Injector().setupStores((sm) =>
  sm.addStore(new InMemoryStore({ model: MyEntity, primaryKey: 'key' })),

Basic usage

You can retrieve your store from any injector with myInjector.getInstance(StoreManager).getStoreFor(MyEntity). You will receive a PhysicalStore instance and you can do all the basic operations mentioned above.

What type of store(s) should you choose?

  • InMemoryStore is the simplest implementation and a part of the Core package. Data won’t be persisted but no hassle with additional dependencies. Can be used for POCs or for e.g. storing user sessions or in a demo / experimental enviromnent
  • filesystem-store is another simple implementation, it saves (and reloads on change) your data to files, however it’s recommended to use only in development / experimental environments. Lives in a @furystack/filesystem-store package.
  • sequelize-store is built on the top of the Sequelize package and you can create stores with all of it’s supported DBs (MySQL / Postgres / SQLite, etc…). Recommended if you want to work with any supported SQL-based DB.
  • mongodb-store provides a store implementation for the famous document store. Simple yet powerful usage.
  • redis-store allows you to connect to a redis service. Useful is you want e.g. storing user sessions and keep them in sync between multiple web nodes. Altough searching is not supported…